
The Municipal Museum of Subotica was founded in 1948 during the period of post-war development and enthusiasm. The publishing activities of the Museum also date back to this period: though initially modest in their scale, they were a very important reflection of the work and creative efforts of the museum workers who aspired to preserve records of the past and cultural history of the homeland from the oblivion.

The collection of museum publications today includes over 100 catalogues, monographs, guides and the Museionyearbook. All editions of the City Museum are published simultaneously in Serbian, Croatian and Hungarian languages. Some items are reduced to a modest catalogue of two pages, while the thematic catalogues and monographs on the various areas of museum activities are both highly professional as well as rich in content.

Despite the fact that there has always been a need for a professional periodical publication that would present the results of professional research done by managers of individual collections: archaeological, ethnological, historical, art history, nature, as well as the conservationist workshop and the library, the yearbook of the Municipal Museum of Subotica called Museion first appeared in 2001. This professional journal is published simultaneously in Serbian, Croatian and Hungarian languages and is registered under the professional number of ISSN – 1451-1274. In the previous issues of the Museion (issues 1, 2, 8) a complete bibliography of publications between 1948 and 2008 of the Municipal Museum of Subotica was published.

Publishing is a very important aspect of the overall work of the Municipal Museum for it provides access to the richness and diversity of museum collections to visitors, citizens, and those interested in the cultural, historical and artistic values of Subotica and its surroundings.